Awkward Welcome

11/10/2009 at 7:16 pm (Uncategorized) ()

Greetings, nerd. Face it, if you’re here, I’m probably right.

This is my first post. I’m actually writing it only to see what my words look like on the blog.

I promise things will eventually become interesting.


Art Credit: Edgar Degas


  1. erinuncensored said,

    You’re right. I am a nerd. Welcome to wordpress!

  2. michaelamae said,

    You know, it takes one to know one.
    Erin, how can I link my site to yours? Like, as a fan? Or a stalker? I want to show the blog-land that we’re BFFS.

  3. erinuncensored said,

    haha. umm. you know i am a contributor to this blog? i don’t think thats what you were aiming for. but yes. blogland needs to be aware that we are BFFs. because blogland has officially been changed now that the two of us have blogs. talk about superpowers.

    • michaelamae said,

      yeah, i have no idea what a contributor is.
      what is it?
      wordpress is kind of confusing.

  4. erinuncensored said,

    wordpress is wonderful. its confusing because there are a lot of options and things that blogger does for you…but wordpress wants you to be better, cooler, and wiser and says “hey, do this!”
    thats just my thoughts. but yeah, it is a little confusing. we should phonechat this contributor slash blog besties thing.
    but nevermind that. we need to go on a date. i’ve got a bunch of those GCertifs we used last time!!!

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